A Low Cost Lab Monitoring System based on Arduino Microcontroller and Android
The 8th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation

This work is focused on the development of a platform based on Android in order to monitor a mechatronics system based on an Arduino microcontroller. Nowadays, Arduino is an open microcontroller system which makes easy the monitoring and control of mechatronics devices as robotic and automated systems. Android, is an OS that is widely used in cellular phones and tablets by students. The system allows the on-line data monitoring and data recovery, in a remote way, using Android devices. Several ways of wireless communications have been considered: Bluetooth for local monitoring and Wi-Fi for remote monitoring. A mechatronic platform has been built using Bluetooth to communicate with the lab client in an Android device. An Android interface has been developed in order to make easy the monitoring and data processing. An example of application using a mechanical system consisting on a vibration table will be described. Several tests have been run showing the possibilities of the system.

Proceedings of ICERI2015 Conference
First page8014
Last page8022